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Photo of Kimber Vietti

Kimber Vietti

Commercial Sales

Push Pedal Pull

Supplier Partner

Professional Bio

Fitness Equipment
Market Specialist

Specializes in Multi-Housing, Corporate, Country Clubs, Police/Fire/Government, Casinos, Education, Community Rec, Studios, and Medical
Kimber has had a passion for fitness and helping people her entire life. In High School, she developed an interest in the fitness world and became a runner and Group Exercise Instructor. Kimber has an undergraduate degree in Fitness Management and a Master's Degree in Physical Education and Applied Kinesiology.

After completing her education, Kimber moved into the commercial fitness world as a sales rep in the Atlanta area. During that time, she designed and installed premier fitness amenities in the state of Georgia. Kimber also has experience as a retail sales representative and fitness instructor.

Kimber has dedicated her life to family and fitness. When she isn't working or volunteering her time, Kimber enjoys running, working out, and spending time with her family.


Push Pedal Pull 17623 Penrose Lane
Lenexa, ks 66219
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